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What Our Members Do
Patient Alliance for Patient Safety

Quel rôle les membres jouent-ils?

Patients for Patient Safety Canada have become key members of the patient safety community. Their advice is sought out by healthcare leaders in organizations, across provinces and territories.

Patients for Patient Safety Canada members continue to tell their stories, but they have moved beyond mere participants and are now viewed as patient safety leaders by many. As one member put it, ‘healthcare was ready to hear us’. The PFPSC message of, Every Patient Safe, is embraced and the group’s steadfast efforts to remain assertive but not aggressive leads to members being treated as equals, particularly at national tables.

The legacy of contributions from PFPSC is substantial. There are numerous Canadian patient safety efforts with PFPSC contributions in policy, medication safety, the Canadian Incident Analysis Framework, The Canadian Disclosure Guidelines, or publications on teamwork and communication.

to Safer Care

Contactez-nous pour commencer à faire la différence dès aujourd’hui.

« En l’honneur des personnes décédées, de celles vivent désormais avec un handicap, de nos proches qui aujourd’hui sont à nos côtés et des enfants qui verront le jour, nous nous appliquerons à viser l’excellence pour que les soins de santé soient aussi sécuritaires que possible, le plus rapidement possible. »
– Déclaration de Londres
Patients for Patient Safety Canada
Patients for Patient Safety Canada honours the traditional territories upon which our volunteers and partners live, work and play. We recognize that we are still learning how to respectfully support reconciliation efforts and develop meaningful relationships and partnerships with First Nations, Inuit and Métis governments, organizations and communities. We strive to enhance the capacity of the health system to meet the needs of First Nations, Inuit and Métis.
© Patients pour la sécurité des patients du Canada.
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© Patients pour la sécurité des patients du Canada.
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